Following the evening of June 16, 2021 - 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

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Micropro and its partners Bitdefender and Veeam would like to thank all the participants in the evening which took place on June 16, 2021 at the Casino Barrière L'Eléphant d'Or of the Sofitel Hôtel Ivoire as part of the monthly cocktails organized by the Cercle Français d'Affaires in Côte d'Ivoire (CFACI).

Many of you came to discuss the sensitive subject of computer security in a relaxed manner, both in professional and personal settings.

Our on-site team was able to provide you with information by answering your questions and explaining the issues to you.

Advice was given on this occasion, but we are always available to discuss these subjects with you and all those who call on you in the field of IT.


contact us


Tel :  + 225 27 21 59 53 25

+225 07 89 64 64 64
18 BP 580
Abidjan 18

Côte d'Ivoire



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