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The strong growth rate of Internet users, due among other performances to new hardware, the falling prices of computers and ADSL access, present threats at the security of your computer. Your equipment becomes vulnerable to attacks and viruses from hackers when you connect to the net.

These attacks can cause loss or information theft, intrusions into your privacy, or more, for enterprises of damage to the image of your brand or even financial losses ...

It is fundamental to know that these threats exist and can take security measures to counter them, appropriate to your needs, such as anti-virus, anti-spam, personal firewall, intrusion detection systems, mechanisms for fix vulnerabilities ...

Micropro can advise on anti-virus, anti-malware and all existing services for the security of your infrastructure..

Micropro is certified Gold Partner with BITDEFENDER Bitdefender Gold Partner

Bitdefender wins AV-TEST Award Best Performance 2023 for businesses      AV Test

For owners of mobile phones under Android, we recommend installing the solution.

Bitdefender Mobile Security paid version or the free version, Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Android

Micropro also offers security products in the form of firewall type equipment.

Micropro is Silver Partner Sophos is able to offer all of the brand's products as well as assistance in setting up and maintaining them.

Vist our page logo Sophos Silver Partner

Micropro is Partner with MALWAREBYTES Malwarebytes Reseller


Malware used to be a nuisance, easily remedied by installing any Anti-Virus solution off the shelf. In recent years, malware has grown into a company-crushing, I.T. nightmare.

Today’s threats have evolved into dangerous breeds of malware, leaving behind an aftermath that ranges from lost productivity and headaches for I.T., to major issues of sensitive data being stolen, or held ransom.
In today’s infection landscape, you need a solution built to handle these new and advanced threats proactively. Malwarebytes is solving these unique security challenges posed by your business environment.

Malwarebytes in a nutshell:

  • - Lightweight and complementary to currently deployed security stacks.
  • - Designed to proactively stop threats before they have a chance to create larger problems.
  • - Award winning detection, remediation, and removal capabilities.



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Tel :  + 225 27 21 59 53 25

+225 07 89 64 64 64
18 BP 580
Abidjan 18

Côte d'Ivoire



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