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The Internet has become an essential vector for all businesses. The most common professional uses are to have a domain name, messaging and possibly a website. The domain name is the prerequisite for the following steps that are the courier and the website. However, his choice must be made judiciously because it will be the mark of the company on the Internet. It must be at once catchy, simple and representative.

The mail service attached to the domain name provides a management of the messaging that does not exist with the free messengers of major operators known. See our article Why have a professional email address?

A well-built website can become the best business for a company, by presenting all of its business, products and services in a geographical area that is difficult to cover by any other means.

Micropro offers a subscription to your domain name and a hosting service for your e-mail and your eventual website.

Micropro also provides support for messaging management and maintenance.

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Tel :  + 225 27 21 59 53 25

+225 07 89 64 64 64
18 BP 580
Abidjan 18

Côte d'Ivoire



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